اقرؤوا هنا عن اخر فرص التبادل الثقافي والتعليمي التي نوفرها للطلاب الفلسطينيين
برنامج الهيوبرت همفري
The U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem AnnouncesThe 2015-2016 Humphrey
The U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem and the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) is pleased to announce the Humphrey Program for
Program Description;
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a Fulbright program that brings accomplished young and mid-career professionals with demonstrated leadership potential to the United States for a year of non-degree graduate-level study, leadership development, and professional enrichment. Fellows come from countries in various stages of development or transition. By providing future leaders and policy makers with experience in U.S. society, culture, and professional fields, the program provides a basis for lasting, productive ties between Americans and their professional counterparts overseas. The 2015-2016 Recruitment Guidelines, which may be downloaded from https://humphreyfellowship.org/ contain additional guidance.
Appropriate candidates are in the following eligible fields of study:
Sustainable Development
a. Agricultural and Rural Development
b. Economic Development/Finance and Banking
c. Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change d. Urban and Regional Planning
Democratic Institution Building
a. Communications/Journalism
b. Law and Human Rights
c. Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration d. Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
e. Technology Policy and Management
f. Human Resource Management
a. Educational Administration, Planning and Policy b. Higher Education Administration
c. Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
Public Health
a. Public Health Policy and Management
b. HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
c. Substance Abuse Education, Prevention, and Treatment

Program Description;
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is a Fulbright program that brings accomplished young and mid-career professionals with demonstrated leadership potential to the United States for a year of non-degree graduate-level study, leadership development, and professional enrichment. Fellows come from countries in various stages of development or transition. By providing future leaders and policy makers with experience in U.S. society, culture, and professional fields, the program provides a basis for lasting, productive ties between Americans and their professional counterparts overseas. The 2015-2016 Recruitment Guidelines, which may be downloaded from https://humphreyfellowship.org/ contain additional guidance.
Appropriate candidates are in the following eligible fields of study:
Sustainable Development
a. Agricultural and Rural Development
b. Economic Development/Finance and Banking
c. Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change d. Urban and Regional Planning
Democratic Institution Building
a. Communications/Journalism
b. Law and Human Rights
c. Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration d. Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
e. Technology Policy and Management
f. Human Resource Management
a. Educational Administration, Planning and Policy b. Higher Education Administration
c. Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
Public Health
a. Public Health Policy and Management
b. HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
c. Substance Abuse Education, Prevention, and Treatment
Candidates are young and mid-career professionals in leadership positions who have a
commitment to public service and the potential for professional advancement.
A minimum of five years full-time professional experience (prior to August 2015) in the
relevant field, after completing a university degree, and should be interested in the policy
aspects of their fields of specialization.
Candidates must have completed a university degree program requiring at least four years
of full-time study to qualify for participation in U.S. graduate study programs.
Candidates should be proficient in both written and spoken English and should normally
have a minimum TOEFL score of 525 (paper based) or 71 (internet-based), although exceptionally promising candidates with lower scores may be nominated for the Long-Term English (LTE) training.
Candidates should have both the need to participate in the program and the potential to
benefit from it. Accordingly, they should demonstrate the required experience, skills, and
commitment while also indicating how they can benefit from this program in ways that
they have not experienced previously and are not likely to experience without the
Humphrey Program.
Candidates must be Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, or Gaza
Important Note:
Participation in the program is contingent upon the applicant qualifying for a J-1 visa to
the U.S.
Holders of American passports or green cards are not eligible to participate in this
Application Deadline and inquiries:
Please submit application to http://apply.embark.com/student/humphrey/fellowship/ and send us a copy of your CV by 23 August 2014.
Jerusalem and West Bank Applicants: Email CV to Exchanges@state.gov and copy Sirianimy@state.gov ; call 02-622-7107 for more information
Gaza Applicants: Email CV and application to Gazaexchanges@gmail.com; call 08-286-4623 for more information.
برنامج اللغة الانجليزية في الايميدأيست
اذا كنتم بين ٥ - ١٦ عام وترغبون بمعرفة مستواكم في اللغة الانجليزية سجلوا
في امتحان الايميدأيست لمستوى اللغة الانجليزية. التسجيل يبدأ في شهر
مايو. زوروا مكاتب الايميدأيست في رام الله ونابلس والقدس والخليل للمزيد
من المعلومات
you are between 5-16 years old and want to know your level in English,
register for the AmidEast English placement test. The registration for
the test starts in May. Visit the AmidEast offices in Ramallah, Nablus,
Jerusalem, and Hebron for more information.www.amideast.org/west-bank-gaza
Open Invitations
في ابريل استضافت القنصلية الامريكية بطلة الالعاب الاولمبية جاكي جوينر كيرسي وكانت اول مبعوثة رياضية من امريكا تاتي الى القدس والضفة الغربية. وقد الهمت جاكي العديد من الفلسطينيين الذين التقت معهم بقصتها الشخصية واعطتهم الامل والتفاؤل خاصة الذين يعملون لتحسين مهاراتهم على مختلف الاصعدة. اقرؤوا قصتها في مدونة وزارة الخارجية الامريكية في اللغة العربية كتبها رئيس الدبلوماسية العامة في القنصلية الامريكية في القدس ريتشرد بوانغان.
In April the U.S. Consulate General Jerusalem hosted Olympic gold medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee, the first-ever U.S. Sports Envoy to Jerusalem and the West Bank. Jackie inspired many Palestinians with her personal story, giving hope and optimism to many who are working to improve themselves. Read her story in this U.S. Department of State blog entry written by the U.S. Consulate Public Diplomacy Chief Richard Buangan. @JJoynerKersee
في مشاركته الاولى على الانستغرام، التقط القنصل العام راتني صورة للقاء السفيرة رايس مع شباب فلسطينيين http://instagram.com/p/nw01cIB86k

In his first posting on @Instagram, CG Ratney took a photo of @AmbassadorRice mtg with Palestinian youth: http://instagram.com/p/nw01cIB86k .
في مشاركته الاولى على الانستغرام، التقط القنصل العام راتني صورة للقاء السفيرة رايس مع شباب فلسطينيين http://instagram.com/p/nw01cIB86k
President Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice in meeting Palestinian students in Ramallah. That's me in the reflection taking the picture
Check our photos on Flickr
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